[UE] Multiplayer 4: Session 들어가기
Session 들어가기 (=Joining the Session)
// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "GameFramework/Character.h"
#include "Interfaces/OnlineSessionInterface.h"
#include "MultiplayerCharacter.generated.h"
class AMultiplayerCharacter : public ACharacter
/** Camera boom positioning the camera behind the character */
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = Camera, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
class USpringArmComponent* CameraBoom;
/** Follow camera */
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = Camera, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
class UCameraComponent* FollowCamera;
/** Base turn rate, in deg/sec. Other scaling may affect final turn rate. */
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category=Input)
float TurnRateGamepad;
/** Called for forwards/backward input */
void MoveForward(float Value);
/** Called for side to side input */
void MoveRight(float Value);
* Called via input to turn at a given rate.
* @param Rate This is a normalized rate, i.e. 1.0 means 100% of desired turn rate
void TurnAtRate(float Rate);
* Called via input to turn look up/down at a given rate.
* @param Rate This is a normalized rate, i.e. 1.0 means 100% of desired turn rate
void LookUpAtRate(float Rate);
/** Handler for when a touch input begins. */
void TouchStarted(ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex, FVector Location);
/** Handler for when a touch input stops. */
void TouchStopped(ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex, FVector Location);
// APawn interface
virtual void SetupPlayerInputComponent(class UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent) override;
// End of APawn interface
/** Returns CameraBoom subobject **/
FORCEINLINE class USpringArmComponent* GetCameraBoom() const { return CameraBoom; }
/** Returns FollowCamera subobject **/
FORCEINLINE class UCameraComponent* GetFollowCamera() const { return FollowCamera; }
//Pointer to the online session interface. online session interface를 가리키는 포인터 변수
IOnlineSessionPtr OnlineSessionInterface;
void CreateGameSession();
void JoinGameSession();
void OnCreateSessionComplete(FName SessionName, bool bWasSuccessful);
void OnFindSessionsComplete(bool bWasSuccessful);
void OnJoinSessionComplete(FName SessionName, EOnJoinSessionCompleteResult::Type Result);
//Delegate 변수들
FOnCreateSessionCompleteDelegate CreateSessionCompleteDelegate;
FOnFindSessionsCompleteDelegate FindSessionsCompleteDelegate;
TSharedPtr<FOnlineSessionSearch> SessionSearch;
FOnJoinSessionCompleteDelegate JoinSessionCompleteDelegate;
함수 추가
- void OnJoinSessionComplete(FName SessionName, EOnJoinSessionCompleteResult::Type Result);
변수 추가
- FOnJoinSessionCompleteDelegate JoinSessionCompleteDelegate;
#include "MultiplayerCharacter.h"
#include "Camera/CameraComponent.h"
#include "Components/CapsuleComponent.h"
#include "Components/InputComponent.h"
#include "GameFramework/CharacterMovementComponent.h"
#include "GameFramework/Controller.h"
#include "GameFramework/SpringArmComponent.h"
#include "OnlineSubsystem.h"
#include "OnlineSessionSettings.h"
// AMultiplayerCharacter
AMultiplayerCharacter::AMultiplayerCharacter() :
CreateSessionCompleteDelegate(FOnCreateSessionCompleteDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &ThisClass::OnCreateSessionComplete)),
FindSessionsCompleteDelegate(FOnFindSessionsCompleteDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &ThisClass::OnFindSessionsComplete)),
JoinSessionCompleteDelegate(FOnJoinSessionCompleteDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &ThisClass::OnJoinSessionComplete))
// Set size for collision capsule
GetCapsuleComponent()->InitCapsuleSize(42.f, 96.0f);
// set our turn rate for input
TurnRateGamepad = 50.f;
// Don't rotate when the controller rotates. Let that just affect the camera.
bUseControllerRotationPitch = false;
bUseControllerRotationYaw = false;
bUseControllerRotationRoll = false;
// Configure character movement
GetCharacterMovement()->bOrientRotationToMovement = true; // Character moves in the direction of input...
GetCharacterMovement()->RotationRate = FRotator(0.0f, 500.0f, 0.0f); // ...at this rotation rate
// Note: For faster iteration times these variables, and many more, can be tweaked in the Character Blueprint
// instead of recompiling to adjust them
GetCharacterMovement()->JumpZVelocity = 700.f;
GetCharacterMovement()->AirControl = 0.35f;
GetCharacterMovement()->MaxWalkSpeed = 500.f;
GetCharacterMovement()->MinAnalogWalkSpeed = 20.f;
GetCharacterMovement()->BrakingDecelerationWalking = 2000.f;
// Create a camera boom (pulls in towards the player if there is a collision)
CameraBoom = CreateDefaultSubobject<USpringArmComponent>(TEXT("CameraBoom"));
CameraBoom->TargetArmLength = 400.0f; // The camera follows at this distance behind the character
CameraBoom->bUsePawnControlRotation = true; // Rotate the arm based on the controller
// Create a follow camera
FollowCamera = CreateDefaultSubobject<UCameraComponent>(TEXT("FollowCamera"));
FollowCamera->SetupAttachment(CameraBoom, USpringArmComponent::SocketName); // Attach the camera to the end of the boom and let the boom adjust to match the controller orientation
FollowCamera->bUsePawnControlRotation = false; // Camera does not rotate relative to arm
// Note: The skeletal mesh and anim blueprint references on the Mesh component (inherited from Character)
// are set in the derived blueprint asset named ThirdPersonCharacter (to avoid direct content references in C++)
IOnlineSubsystem* OnlineSubsystem = IOnlineSubsystem::Get();
if (OnlineSubsystem)
OnlineSessionInterface = OnlineSubsystem->GetSessionInterface();
if (GEngine)
FString::Printf(TEXT("I found SubSystem %s"), *OnlineSubsystem->GetSubsystemName().ToString())
// Input
void AMultiplayerCharacter::SetupPlayerInputComponent(class UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent)
// Set up gameplay key bindings
PlayerInputComponent->BindAction("Jump", IE_Pressed, this, &ACharacter::Jump);
PlayerInputComponent->BindAction("Jump", IE_Released, this, &ACharacter::StopJumping);
PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis("Move Forward / Backward", this, &AMultiplayerCharacter::MoveForward);
PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis("Move Right / Left", this, &AMultiplayerCharacter::MoveRight);
// We have 2 versions of the rotation bindings to handle different kinds of devices differently
// "turn" handles devices that provide an absolute delta, such as a mouse.
// "turnrate" is for devices that we choose to treat as a rate of change, such as an analog joystick
PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis("Turn Right / Left Mouse", this, &APawn::AddControllerYawInput);
PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis("Turn Right / Left Gamepad", this, &AMultiplayerCharacter::TurnAtRate);
PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis("Look Up / Down Mouse", this, &APawn::AddControllerPitchInput);
PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis("Look Up / Down Gamepad", this, &AMultiplayerCharacter::LookUpAtRate);
// handle touch devices
PlayerInputComponent->BindTouch(IE_Pressed, this, &AMultiplayerCharacter::TouchStarted);
PlayerInputComponent->BindTouch(IE_Released, this, &AMultiplayerCharacter::TouchStopped);
void AMultiplayerCharacter::CreateGameSession()
// 1번 키를 눌렀을 때 콜 된다. BP_ThirdPersonCharacter에서 1번 키를 누르면 콜 되게 해줬다.
if (false == OnlineSessionInterface.IsValid())
{ //OnlineSessionInterface가 유효하지 않다면 리턴.
auto ExistingSession = OnlineSessionInterface->GetNamedSession(NAME_GameSession);
if (ExistingSession != nullptr)
OnlineSessionInterface->DestroySession(NAME_GameSession);//Session을 끝낸다.
//Delegate 연결
TSharedPtr<FOnlineSessionSettings> SessionSettings = MakeShareable(new FOnlineSessionSettings());
SessionSettings->bIsLANMatch = false;//Internet으로 연결할 것이므로 LANMatch를 사용하지 않는다.
SessionSettings->NumPublicConnections = 4;//4명의 Players까지 접속이 가능하게 설정.
SessionSettings->bAllowJoinInProgress = true;//Session이 실행중일 때 Player들이 원할 때 들어올 수 있음
SessionSettings->bAllowJoinViaPresence = true;//Steam 기준에서 같은 region에 있는 Player들만 들어올 수 있게 설정.
SessionSettings->bShouldAdvertise = true;//Steam에서 Advertise가 가능하여 사람들이 찾아 들어올 수 있게 한다.
SessionSettings->bUsesPresence = true;//같은 region에서 session을 찾을 수 있게 해준다.
SessionSettings->Set(FName("MatchType"), FString("FreeForAll"), EOnlineDataAdvertisementType::ViaOnlineServiceAndPing);//FreeForAll는 여러개의 MatchType을 가능하게 한다. ViaOnlineServiceAndPing는 Session이 OnlineService와 Ping에서 Advertise된다는 의미.
SessionSettings->bUseLobbiesIfAvailable = true;//Session을 찾기 힘들때 사용하는 세팅.
const ULocalPlayer* LocalPlayer = GetWorld()->GetFirstLocalPlayerFromController();
OnlineSessionInterface->CreateSession(*LocalPlayer->GetPreferredUniqueNetId(), NAME_GameSession, *SessionSettings);//위의 SessionSettings를 만족하는 Session을 생성한다.
void AMultiplayerCharacter::JoinGameSession()
//Game Sessions 찾기
if (false == OnlineSessionInterface.IsValid())
//OnlineSessionInterface에 FindSessionsCompleteDelegate을 연결시킨다.
SessionSearch = MakeShareable(new FOnlineSessionSearch());
SessionSearch->MaxSearchResults = 10000;//DevID 찾기 최대 개수.
SessionSearch->bIsLanQuery = false;//LAN을 사용하지 않으므로 false 설정.
SessionSearch->QuerySettings.Set(SEARCH_PRESENCE, true, EOnlineComparisonOp::Equals);//The query to use for finding matching servers. set조건에 만족하는 서버들을 찾는다.
const ULocalPlayer* LocalPlayer = GetWorld()->GetFirstLocalPlayerFromController();
OnlineSessionInterface->FindSessions(*LocalPlayer->GetPreferredUniqueNetId(), SessionSearch.ToSharedRef());
void AMultiplayerCharacter::OnCreateSessionComplete(FName SessionName, bool bWasSuccessful)
//Session 생성이 성공한 경우
if (bWasSuccessful)
if (GEngine)
FString::Printf(TEXT("Created session: %s"), *SessionName.ToString())
//Lobby라는 Level 맵을 띄운다.
UWorld* World = GetWorld();
if (World)
//원하는 Level를 설정한다.
//Session 생성이 실패한 경우
if (GEngine)
FString(TEXT("Failed to create session!"))
void AMultiplayerCharacter::OnFindSessionsComplete(bool bWasSuccessful)
//OnlineSessionInterface가 없다면 리턴
if (false == OnlineSessionInterface.IsValid())
//SearchResults를 for문으로 순회
for (auto Result : SessionSearch->SearchResults)
FString Id = Result.GetSessionIdStr();
FString User = Result.Session.OwningUserName;
FString MatchType;
Result.Session.SessionSettings.Get(FName("MatchType"), MatchType);//"MatchType"라는 Key가 있다면 MatchType라는 로컬Value에 접근한다.
if (GEngine)
FString::Printf(TEXT("Id: %s, User: %s"), *Id, *User)
if (MatchType == FString("FreeForAll"))
if (GEngine)
FString::Printf(TEXT("Joining Match Type: %s"), *MatchType)
//JoinSession이 Complete된 후에 callback이 불려진다.
const ULocalPlayer* LocalPlayer = GetWorld()->GetFirstLocalPlayerFromController();
OnlineSessionInterface->JoinSession(*LocalPlayer->GetPreferredUniqueNetId(), NAME_GameSession, Result);//Result는 해당조건을 만족하고 FreeForAll라는 Value를 가지고 있다.
//Join Session이 Complete(완료)되면 불려지는 함수.
void AMultiplayerCharacter::OnJoinSessionComplete(FName SessionName, EOnJoinSessionCompleteResult::Type Result)
//OnlineSessionInterface가 없다면 리턴
if (false == OnlineSessionInterface.IsValid())
FString Address;
if (OnlineSessionInterface->GetResolvedConnectString(NAME_GameSession, Address))
if (GEngine)
FString::Printf(TEXT("Connect string: %s"), *Address)//Address를 Debugging Message로 출력한다.
APlayerController* PlayerController = GetGameInstance()->GetFirstLocalPlayerController();
if (PlayerController)
PlayerController->ClientTravel(Address, ETravelType::TRAVEL_Absolute);
void AMultiplayerCharacter::TouchStarted(ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex, FVector Location)
void AMultiplayerCharacter::TouchStopped(ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex, FVector Location)
void AMultiplayerCharacter::TurnAtRate(float Rate)
// calculate delta for this frame from the rate information
AddControllerYawInput(Rate * TurnRateGamepad * GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds());
void AMultiplayerCharacter::LookUpAtRate(float Rate)
// calculate delta for this frame from the rate information
AddControllerPitchInput(Rate * TurnRateGamepad * GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds());
void AMultiplayerCharacter::MoveForward(float Value)
if ((Controller != nullptr) && (Value != 0.0f))
// find out which way is forward
const FRotator Rotation = Controller->GetControlRotation();
const FRotator YawRotation(0, Rotation.Yaw, 0);
// get forward vector
const FVector Direction = FRotationMatrix(YawRotation).GetUnitAxis(EAxis::X);
AddMovementInput(Direction, Value);
void AMultiplayerCharacter::MoveRight(float Value)
if ( (Controller != nullptr) && (Value != 0.0f) )
// find out which way is right
const FRotator Rotation = Controller->GetControlRotation();
const FRotator YawRotation(0, Rotation.Yaw, 0);
// get right vector
const FVector Direction = FRotationMatrix(YawRotation).GetUnitAxis(EAxis::Y);
// add movement in that direction
AddMovementInput(Direction, Value);
AMultiplayerCharacter::AMultiplayerCharacter()에 상속 Delegate 추가하기
- FindSessionsCompleteDelegate(FOnFindSessionsCompleteDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &ThisClass::OnFindSessionsComplete)),
- JoinSessionCompleteDelegate(FOnJoinSessionCompleteDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &ThisClass::OnJoinSessionComplete))
void AMenuSystemCharacter::OnJoinSessionComplete(FName SessionName, EOnJoinSessionCompleteResult::Type Result)
- FString Address;
- if (OnlineSessionInterface->GetResolvedConnectString(NAME_GameSession, Address))
- if (GEngine) { GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage( -1, 15.f, FColor::Yellow, FString::Printf(TEXT("Connect string: %s"), *Address) );
- //Address를 Debugging Message로 출력한다.
- APlayerController* PlayerController = GetGameInstance()->GetFirstLocalPlayerController();
- if (PlayerController) {
PlayerController->ClientTravel(Address, ETravelType::TRAVEL_Absolute); }
- if (GEngine) { GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage( -1, 15.f, FColor::Yellow, FString::Printf(TEXT("Connect string: %s"), *Address) );
※ 참고: void FOnlineSessionSettings::Set
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